Online Consultions for Routine Problems
SystmConnect online consultations is a quick and easy way for patients aged 16 and over to manage their non-urgent health care and get answers to simple health problems. Simply click on the New request button below (available Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm) and follow the prompts.
If your problem is not resolved by the advice provided, submit an online form on SystmConnect and you will get a response from us within 2 working days. We usually respond by text unless you specify otherwise. Please include an up to date mobile number.
Patients should self-care for minor problems where appropriate to do so. Please do not submit several online forms for the same problem as this takes up valuable time.
Non-Urgent Appointments
If you need routine health advice please use our Online Consult service.
If you don't have online access or a smart phone, if you have additional needs or if you are under the age of 16 please telephone the surgery for an appointment on 01204 573445.
All appointment requests are reviewed by our trained reception staff, in line with guidance written by our GPs. Our staff will ask you for brief details of your problem in order to deal with your request. This information remains confidential. The Receptionist will then signpost you to the most appropriate person or even an alternative service.
Please treat our staff with kindness and be patient whilst they are dealing with your request.
We offer telephone, face to face or video appointments depending on your needs. Choice of who you see will depend on their availability.
If you require a physcial examination, a trained member of staff can support you at your appointment. This will be offered to you at the time.
Please remember:
- One appointment is for one problem.
- Please do not request an appointment for; a repeat prescription, to have forms or certificates filled in or to chase up referrals to other services.
- Doctors have no treatment for minor colds, sore throats, minor stomach upsets - your local pharmacist can help with these problems. If your symptoms continue you may contact 111 or your GP.
Urgent Appointments
Patients who have an urgent health problem that has started in the last 48 hours may be booked in urgently by telephoning the surgery on 01204 573445. We will ask you to give brief details of your problem and when it started in order for your needs to be prioritised.
If appropriate, you will be booked a telephone appointment with one of our healthcare team the same morning/afternoon. You may also be advised to attend a face to face appointment.
Urgent requests for children will be booked straight in to see someone - children with urgent problems will always be seen on the same day.

Pharmacy First
Don't wait for minor health concerns to get worse – think pharmacy first and get seen by your local pharmacy team.
Community pharmacies can offer treatment for seven common conditions without patients needing to see a GP, as part of a major transformation in the way the NHS delivers care.
Highly trained pharmacists at more than nine in ten pharmacies can now assess and treat patients for earache, impetigo, infected insect bites, shingles, sinusitis, sore throat, urinary tract infections (UTIs) for women aged 16-64 - without the need for a GP appointment.
Available on the high-street, community pharmacy teams have the right clinical training to give people the health advice they need, with no appointment necessary and private consultations available.
Community pharmacists will signpost patients to other local services where necessary.
For more information, visit
Home Visits
Patients who are too ill to come to the surgery can ask for a telephone consultation, video consultation or a home visit if required. Please call 01204 573445 for a home visit before 10:45am. Please explain the problem briefly to the receptionist so that a Doctor/Nurse can assess the urgency. The Doctor/Nurse will then call you back to discuss your needs.
Home visits are generally not available for children.
The cost of transport is not a valid reason to ask for a home visit.
Cancel or Change an Appointment
If you cannot attend your appointment you must give us as much notice as possible. You can reply to your appointment reminder text with the word CANCEL or you can leave us a message on 01204 799955 (available 24/7) and leave your name and date of birth.
Patients who don't attend their appointment deprive other patients of being seen, cause waiting time delays and cost the NHS money.
If you need to re-arrange your appointment please speak to a receptionist.
Evening and Weekend Routine Appointments
· Monday to Friday, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
· Saturdays 9am to 5pm
· Sundays 9am to 5pm
Please contact reception to book an appointment.
Late For Your Appointment
Please plan for your appoinement and attend on time. If you arrive late you may not be seen. If you are not seen you will not be able to rearrange your appointment until the next available appointment.
If English is not your first language and you need an interpretor please notify the Receptionist and they will arrange this for you.
Stonehill Medical Centre is a Unified Learning Environment. We host a variety of trainees including Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics. Named GPs are responsible for training and supervision of our Junior Doctors and Medical Students. However, the whole team are involved in training and supervision.
Trainees and Medical Students may be present during your appointment, which is a crucial part of how NHS Staff are trained. If you would prefer not to have a trainee at your appointment please inform us at the time.